
fall in the valley

a few weekends ago we joined my extended family on our first (their annual) trip to Blu-Shastin for a little fall harvest get away. ohh how it did my soul some good. our little Wakeman clan drove up a day late and under the cover of darkness, so it wasn't until the next morning that we laid eyes on Central Washington in the fall. I had a little early morning project that required cell service. so, I drove 15 minutes into town to the "Take a Break" cafe and jaw dropped the entire time as the sun rose and lit up the golden everything. 

I lost count of how many times I asked my family, "so, why aren't we selling everything we own and moving to Chelan county?" guys, it's just gorgeous. ten minutes one direction you are picking apples in a hillside orchard where you're happily in Fuji-ville and two rows over you're a Gala. ten minutes the other way you're in well known and loved Leavenworth, which is basically tiny-Germany at it's finest. smack in the middle you find the world's largest and most kid friendly pumpkin patch + petting zoo + harvest festival. sign me up, right?

that little weekend officially marked zoey's first camping trip. we weren't actually sure how well she'd do. for all her flaws and strengths she's, not surprisingly, a lot like her mama. talks a big adventure game but at the end of the day loves most what she knows best. but the minute we put her in double pj layers, smack in the middle of jake and I in the camping trailer bed, she was sold. I may have lost a lot of sleep and gained a few bruised ribs, but a small price to pay for a little fresh air and a lot of reenergizing. 

fall is my favorite. hands down. it's more than the boots and the hats and the apple cider. there's some vibe of togetherness that just starts to show up everywhere. i think its that season that brings the most change. and with it, a subconscious reminder to slow down. prioritize. regroup. i'm relishing it this year. there's lots of little changes happening in our little world and I'm so happy for the scenic reminder that I'm just one small part of a much bigger plan. and come what may, we'll do it together. 

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